Results for 'Albert I. Hermalin'

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  1.  23
    Motivational Factors in IUD Termination: Data from the Second Taiwan IUD Follow-Up Survey.Albert I. Hermalin & Lien-Pin Chow - 1971 - Journal of Biosocial Science 3 (4):351-375.
    The Second Taiwan IUD Follow-up Survey, reported on here, is a representative sample of all IUD acceptors in Taiwan up to the middle of 1966. The data show that 30 months after insertion, 36% of acceptors are continuing users, on a first segment basis, and that if reinsertions are taken into account, the proportion increases to 45%. Compared with extensive clinic data from the city of Taichung, the island-wide termination rates are about 5% higher at 30 months, for first segments, (...)
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    Odorous molecules and taste transduction. The molecular basis of smell and taste transduction. Ciba foundation symposium 179(1993). Edited by D EREK C HADWICK, J OAN M ARSH AND J AMIE G OOD. J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, Pp ix+287. £45. ISBN 0‐471‐93946‐3. [REVIEW]Albert I. Farbman - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (12):939-939.
  3.  17
    Effect of punishment on visual discrimination learning.Albert I. Prince Jr - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (6):381.
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    The third covenant: the transmission of consciousness in the work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Thomas Berry, and Albert J. LaChance.Albert J. LaChance - 2014 - Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books. Edited by Rebecca LeChance Goodwin.
    The Third Covenant explores the work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Thomas Berry, and Albert LaChance, revealing through the lens of spirituality, science, and ecology, their understanding of human origin and evolution. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, an early twentieth century geologist and priest, devoted his life as a scientist, clergyman, and mystic, to reuniting the artificial fracture between science and religion. Thomas Berry, a follower of Teilhard de Chardin and a highly respected cultural historian, furthered this reunification by repositioning (...)
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    Vernunft und Leben aus transzendentaler Perspektive: Festschrift für Albert Mues zum 80. Geburtstag.Albert Mues, Michael Gerten, Leonhard Möckl & Matthias Scherbaum (eds.) - 2018 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Vorwort der Herausgeber mit Schriftenverzeichnis Albert Mues - H. SEubert: Transzendentalphilosophie und Metaphysik heute. EIne Skizze - M. SCherbaum: Philosophie als Lebensform - oder: Die Krise des Nihilismus und die Validitat transzendentaler Argumentation. SYstematische Reflexionen zu Letztbegrundung, Grenze und Bedeutung von Philosophie - M. GErten: Der Charakter der Transzendentalphilosophie als fundamentaler Geltungsreflexion. HIstorische und systematische uberlegungen mit besonderem Blick auf den spaten Fichte - L. MOckl: Zur logischen Position der Hypothese - I. RAdrizzani: Die Zeitfiguration in der Transzendentalphilosophie. REinhard (...)
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    How Much is Due to Health Care Providers?: Albert Weale.Albert Weale - 1988 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 23:97-109.
    How much by way of economic reward is due to health care providers?Although this problem usually presents itself as a practical matter of policy, it has buried within it a number of philosophical issues, for it can be regarded as a question in the theory of economic justice. The formal principle of justice is that we should render persons what is due to them. But on what consideration in the case of health care providers can we make an assessment of (...)
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  7. On the method of theoretical physics.Albert Einstein - 1934 - Philosophy of Science 1 (2):163-169.
    If you wish to learn from the theoretical physicist anything about the methods which he uses, I would give you the following piece of advice: Don't listen to his words, examine his achievements. For to the discoverer in that field, the constructions of his imagination appear so necessary and so natural that he is apt to treat them not as the creations of his thoughts but as given realities.
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    Science on the periphery. The Spanish reception of nuclear energy: an attempt at modernity?Albert Presas I. Puig - 2005 - Minerva 43 (2):197-218.
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    The World as I See it.Albert Einstein - 1951 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (3):447-448.
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  10. Empirical ethics, context-sensitivity, and contextualism.Albert Musschenga - 2005 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 30 (5):467 – 490.
    In medical ethics, business ethics, and some branches of political philosophy (multi-culturalism, issues of just allocation, and equitable distribution) the literature increasingly combines insights from ethics and the social sciences. Some authors in medical ethics even speak of a new phase in the history of ethics, hailing "empirical ethics" as a logical next step in the development of practical ethics after the turn to "applied ethics." The name empirical ethics is ill-chosen because of its associations with "descriptive ethics." Unlike descriptive (...)
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    The Rebel.Albert Camus & Anthony Bower - 2000 - Penguin Modern Classics.
    Translated by Anthony Bower With an Introduction by Oliver Todd 'A conscience with style' V.S. Pritchett The Rebel (1951) is Camus's 'attempt to understand the time I live in' and a brilliant essay on the nature of human revolt. Here he makes a daring critique of communism - how it had gone wrong behind the Iron Curtain and the resulting totalitarian regimes. And he questions two events held sacred by the left wing - the French Revolution of 1789 and the (...)
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    A short history of medical ethics.Albert R. Jonsen - 2000 - New York: Oxford University press.
    A physician says, "I have an ethical obligation never to cause the death of a patient," another responds, "My ethical obligation is to relieve pain even if the patient dies." The current argument over the role of physicians in assisting patients to die constantly refers to the ethical duties of the profession. References to the Hippocratic Oath are often heard. Many modern problems, from assisted suicide to accessible health care, raise questions about the traditional ethics of medicine and the medical (...)
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  13. Moral Animals and Moral Responsibility.Albert W. Musschenga - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (2):38-59.
    Albert Musschenga | : The central question of this article is, Are animals morally responsible for what they do? Answering this question requires a careful, step-by-step argument. In sections 1 and 2, I explain what morality is, and that having a morality means following moral rules or norms. In sections 3 and 4, I argue that some animals show not just regularities in their social behaviour, but can be rightly said to follow social norms. But are the norms they (...)
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    Holding On to Reality: The Nature of Information at the Turn of the Millennium.Albert Borgmann - 2000 - University of Chicago Press.
    Holding On to Reality is a brilliant history of information, from its inception in the natural world to its role in the transformation of culture to the current Internet mania and is attendant assets and liabilities. Drawing on the history of ideas, the details of information technology, and the boundaries of the human condition, Borgmann illuminates the relationship between things and signs, between reality and information. "[Borgmann] has offered a stunningly clear definition of information in Holding On to Reality.... He (...)
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  15. Bohmian mechanics without wave function ontology.Albert Solé - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (4):365-378.
    In this paper, I critically assess different interpretations of Bohmian mechanics that are not committed to an ontology based on the wave function being an actual physical object that inhabits configuration space. More specifically, my aim is to explore the connection between the denial of configuration space realism and another interpretive debate that is specific to Bohmian mechanics: the quantum potential versus guidance approaches. Whereas defenders of the quantum potential approach to the theory claim that Bohmian mechanics is better formulated (...)
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  16. Essence and Explanation.Albert Casullo - 2020 - Metaphysics 2 (1):88-96.
    In Necessary Beings, Bob Hale addresses two questions: What is the source of necessity? What is the source of our knowledge of it? He offers novel responses to them in terms of the metaphysical notion of nature or, more familiarly, essence. In this paper, I address Hale’s response to the first question. My assessment is negative. I argue that his essentialist explanation of the source of necessity suffers from three significant shortcomings. First, Hale’s leading example of an essentialist explanation merely (...)
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    The ALARM Theory of Consciousness: A Two-Level Theory of Phenomenal Consciousness.Albert Newen & Carlos Montemayor - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (3):84-105.
    The scientific investigation of consciousness generates new findings at a rapid pace. We argue that we need a novel theoretical framework, which we call the ALARM theory of consciousness, in order to account for all central observations. According to this theory, we need to distinguish two levels of consciousness, namely basic arousal and general alertness. Basic arousal functions as a specific alarm system, keeping a biological organism alive under sudden intense threats, and general alertness enables flexible learning and behavioural strategies. (...)
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  18. El «Liber super Psalmum Quicumque» de Ramon Llull i l'opció pels tàrtars.Albert Soler I. Llopart - 1992 - Studia Lulliana 32 (86):3-19.
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    Implicit Normativity in Evidence-Based Medicine: A Plea for Integrated Empirical Ethics Research.Albert C. Molewijk, A. M. Stiggelbout, W. Otten, H. M. Dupuis & Job Kievit - 2003 - Health Care Analysis 11 (1):69-92.
    This paper challenges the traditional assumption that descriptive and prescriptive sciences are essentially distinct by presenting a study on the implicit normativity of the production and presentation of biomedical scientific facts within evidence-based medicine. This interdisciplinary study serves as an illustration of the potential worth of the concept of implicit normativity for bioethics in general and for integrated empirical ethics research in particular. It demonstrates how both the production and presentation of scientific information in an evidence-based decision-support contain implicit presuppositions (...)
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    An Inside View of Exp; or, The Closed Fragment of the Provability Logic of IΔ0+ Ω1 with a Propositional Constant for.Albert Visser - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (1):131-165.
    In this paper I give a characterization of the closed fragment of the provability logic of $I \triangle_0 + \mathrm{EXP}$ with a propositional constant for $\mathrm{EXP}$. In three appendices many details on arithmetization are provided.
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  21. Pollock and Sturgeon on defeaters.Albert Casullo - 2018 - Synthese 195 (7):2897-2906.
    Scott Sturgeon has recently challenged Pollock’s account of undercutting defeaters. The challenge involves three primary contentions: the account is both too strong and too weak, undercutting defeaters exercise their power to defeat only in conjunction with higher-order beliefs about the basis of the lower-order beliefs whose justification they target, and since rebutting defeaters exercise their power to defeat in isolation, rebutting and undercutting defeaters work in fundamentally different ways. My goal is to reject each of these contentions. I maintain that (...)
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  22. Peirce on The Index and Indexical Reference.Albert Atkin - 2005 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 41 (4):161-88.
    Although the index is one of the best known features of Peirce's theory of signs there is little appreciation of Peirce's theory of the index amongst contemporary philosophers of language. Amongst Peirce scholars, the value placed on Peirce's account is greater, but is largely based on Thomas Goudge's paper, "Peirce's Index" (Goudge, 1965). Despite marking a crucial milestone in our comprehension of Peirce's theory, our understanding of indices and indexical reference has grown markedly over the last forty years. Time has (...)
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    El concepto de “plasticidad” en las primeras obras de Catherine Malabou.Albert Martínez I. Cuadras - 2022 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 65:89-111.
    Ya en su tesis doctoral, Malabou (1996) empieza a elaborar, a partir de una relectura de Hegel, una noción que recorrerá toda su obra: el concepto de “plasticidad”. En este artículo analizamos las principales apariciones de dicho concepto en los primeros trabajos de la autora francesa. En ella, dialoga especialmente, y de manera declarada, con Hegel, Heidegger y Derrida, prometiendo un concepto de la esencia o la forma que incorpore la diferencia sin negarla. Si bien el concepto de “plasticidad” en (...)
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    La correspondencia entre José M. Otero Navascués y Karl Wirtz, un episodio de las relaciones internacionales de la Junta de Energía Nuclear.Albert Presas I. Puig - 2000 - Arbor 167 (659-660):527-601.
    Es una idea compartida que durante el primer franquismo la ciencia española padeció el mismo aislamiento que el resto de la sociedad civil. Al igual que en otros sistemas totalitarios, la labor científica estaba determinada por las purgas ideológicas, el oportunismo político y la inercia de actitudes rutinarias. Pero también es cierto que hubo espacio para propuestas innovadoras y generadoras de nuevas tendencias equiparables a los estandares internacionales. La correspondencia entre José M. Otero y Karl Wirtz se concentra en la (...)
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    Nota histórica: una conferencia de José María Albareda ante las autoridades académicas alemanas.Albert Presas I. Puig - 1998 - Arbor 160 (631-632):343-357.
    Al término de la guerra civil y después de la restructuración político estratégica que siguió a la II Guerra Mundial, el régimen franquista realizó un esfuerzo de integración paulatina al exterior, esfuerzo del que también participó el CSIC. Esta conferencia de Albareda es una muestra de la voluntad de las autoridades científicas españolas para recuperar unas relaciones con la nueva Alemania interrumpidas por los conflictos bélicos, viéndose cuál era la estrategia y la imagen que se intentaba dar al exterior de (...)
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    On a Lecture Trip to Spain: the Scientific Relations Between Germany and Spain During the Entente Boycott (1919–1926).Albert Presas I. Puig - 2008 - Annals of Science 65 (4):529-546.
    Summary The aim of this paper is to analyse the scientific relations between Germany and Spain during the Entente Boycott (1919–1926) and the German academic policy that fostered it. The study of the international relations of German science during the 1920s has been carried out using as a basis the archives of scientific institutions. Personal initiatives by individual scientists to establish relations have therefore not been taken into account. The relations between the scientific communities of Germany and Spain during the (...)
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    Le front de mer de Barcelone : chronique d'une transformation.Joan Roca I. Albert & Patrick Faigenbaum - 2002 - Cités 11 (3):49-62.
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  28. Encara sobre la data del «Blaquerna».Albert Soler I. Llopart - 1991 - Studia Lulliana 31 (85):113-123.
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  29. Particulars, substrata, and the identity of indiscernibles.Albert Casullo - 1982 - Philosophy of Science 49 (4):591-603.
    This paper examines the view that ordinary particulars are complexes of universals. Russell's attempt to develop such a theory is articulated and defended against some common misinterpretations and unfounded criticisms in Section I. The next two sections address an argument which is standardly cited as the primary problem confronting the theory: (1) it is committed to the necessary truth of the principle of the identity of indiscernibles; (2) the principle is not necessarily true. It is argued in Section II that (...)
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  30. " Why Should I Dance?": Choral Self-Referentiality in Greek Tragedy.Albert Henrichs - forthcoming - Arion 3 (1).
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  31. Moral intuitions, moral expertise and moral reasoning.Albert W. Musschenga - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (4):597-613.
    In this article I examine the consequences of the dominance of intuitive thinking in moral judging and deciding for the role of moral reasoning in moral education. I argue that evidence for the reliability of moral intuitions is lacking. We cannot determine when we can trust our intuitive moral judgements. Deliberate and critical reasoning is needed, but it cannot replace intuitive thinking. Following Robin Hogarth, I argue that intuitive judgements can be improved. The expertise model for moral development, proposed by (...)
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  32. The Coherence of Empiricism.Albert Casullo - 2000 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 81 (1):31-48.
    Rationalists often argue that empiricism is incoherent and conclude, on that basis, that some knowledge is a priori. I contend that such arguments against empiricism cannot be parlayed into an argument in support of the a priori since rationalism is open to the same arguments. I go on to offer an alternative strategy. The leading idea is that, instead of offering a priori arguments against empiricism, rationalists should marshal empirical support for their position.
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    Of Balloons and Bicycles; or, The Relationship between Ethical Theory and Practical Judgment.Albert R. Jonsen - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (5):14-16.
    What has moral theory to do with practical judgment? The practical ethicist can move by analogy from case to case, saying of most new cases, “Oh, I think I've been here before.” Theory, ascending to a broader view, can provide directions when the ethicist finds herself in unfamiliar territory.
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  34. Europe, War and the Pathic Condition. A Phenomenological and Pragmatist Take on the Current Events in Ukraine.Albert Dikovich - 2023 - Pragmatism Today 14 (1):13-33.
    In my paper, I develop a phenomenological and pragmatist reflection on the fragility of liberal democracy’s moral foundations in times of war. Following Judith Shklar’s conception of the “liberalism of fear”, the legitimacy of the liberal-democratic order is seen as grounded in experiences of suffering caused by political violence. It is also assumed that the liberalism of fear delivers an adequate conception of the normative foundations of the European project. With the help of phenomenologists such as Edmund Husserl, Maurice Merleau-Ponty (...)
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  35. Race Science and Definition.Albert Atkin - 2017 - In Naomi Zack, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race. New York, USA: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 139-149.
    Debates over the reality of race often rely on arguments about the connection between race and science—those who deny that race is real argue that there is no significant support from science for our ordinary race concepts; those who affirm that race is real argue that our ordinary race concepts are supported by scientific findings. However, there is arguably a more fundamental concern here: How should we define race concepts in the first place? The reason I claim that this definitional (...)
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  36. What is entitlement?Albert Casullo - 2007 - Acta Analytica 22 (4):267 - 279.
    In his seminal paper, Content Preservation, Tyler Burge defends an original account of testimonial knowledge. The originality of the account is due, in part, to the fact that it is cast within a novel epistemic framework. The central feature of that framework is the introduction of the concept of entitlement, which is alleged to be a distinctive type of positive epistemic support or warrant. Entitlement and justification, according to Burge, are sub-species of warrant. Justification is the internalist form of warrant, (...)
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  37. How to Teach Quantum Mechanics.David Z. Albert - unknown
    I distinguish between two conceptually different kinds of physical space: a space of ordinary material bodies, which is the space of points at which I could imaginably place the tip of my finger, or the center of a billiard-ball, and a space of elementary physical determinables, which is the smallest space of points such that stipulating what is happening at each one of those points, at every time, amounts to an exhaustive physical history of the universe. In all classical physical (...)
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  38. Counterfactuals and Modal Knowledge.Albert Casullo - 2014 - In Essays on a Priori Knowledge and Justification. Oup Usa. pp. 251-270.
    Timothy Williamson offers a reductive account of modal knowledge in terms of knowledge of counterfactual conditionals. The account is developed in a broader context of defending two more general theses regarding the subject matter and methodology of philosophy. My primary focus in this paper is Williamson’s account of modal knowledge. I argue (1) that his account of modal knowledge does not support his more general theses regarding the subject matter and methodology of philosophy; (2) that the two central claims of (...)
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  39. The contingent identity of particulars and universals.Albert Casullo - 1984 - Mind 93 (372):527-541.
    The primary purpose of this paper is to argue that particulars in the actual world are nothing but complexes of universals. I begin by briefly presenting bertrand russell's version of this view and exposing its primary difficulty. I then examine the key assumption which leads russell to difficulty and show that it is mistaken. The rejection of this assumption forms the basis of an alternative version of the view which is articulated and defended.
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  40. Peirce's final account of signs and the philosophy of language.Albert Atkin - 2008 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 44 (1):pp. 63-85.
    In this paper I examine parallels between C.S. Peirce's most mature account of signs and contemporary philosophy of language. I do this by first introducing a summary of Peirce's final account of Signs. I then use that account of signs to reconstruct Peircian answers to two puzzles of reference: The Problem of Cognitive Significance, or Frege's Puzzle; and The Same-Saying Phenomenon for Indexicals. Finally, a comparison of these Peircian answers with both Fregean and Direct Referentialist approaches to the puzzles highlights (...)
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    Peano Corto and Peano Basso: A Study of Local Induction in the Context of Weak Theories.Albert Visser - 2014 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 60 (1-2):92-117.
    In this paper we study local induction w.r.t. Σ1‐formulas over the weak arithmetic. The local induction scheme, which was introduced in, says roughly this: for any virtual class that is progressive, i.e., is closed under zero and successor, and for any non‐empty virtual class that is definable by a Σ1‐formula without parameters, the intersection of and is non‐empty. In other words, we have, for all Σ1‐sentences S, that S implies, whenever is progressive. Since, in the weak context, we have (at (...)
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    Skill acquisition without representation.Albert Piacente - 2018 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 45 (3):241-258.
    ABSTRACTA paper in two parts, the first is a critique of the commonly held view among both cognitivist and non-cognitivist sport philosophers that conscious mental representation of knowledge that is a necessary condition for skill acquisition. The second is a defense of a necessary causal condition for skill acquisition, a necessary causal condition that is mimetic, physically embodied, and socially embedded. To make my case I rely throughout on a common thought experiment in and beyond the philosophy of sport literature, (...)
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  43. Empirical Ethics and the Special Status of Practitioners' Judgements.Albert W. Musschenga - 2010 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (2):203-230.
    According to some proponents of an empirical medical ethics, medical ethics should take the experience, insights, and arguments of doctors and other medical practitioners as their point of departure. Medical practitioners are supposed to have ‘moral wisdom.’ In this view, the moral beliefs of medical practitioners have a special status. In sections I-IV, I discuss two possible defences of such a status. The first defence is based on the special status of the moral beliefs of the health professional as an (...)
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    Indian Thought and Its Development.Albert Schweitzer - 1936 - Duff Press.
    INDIAN THOUGHT AND ITS DEVELOPMENT by ALBERT SCHWEITZER.Originally printed in 1936. PREFACE: I HAVE written this short account of Indian Thought and its Development in the hope that it may help people in Europe to become better ac quainted than they are at present with the ideas it stands for and the great personalities in whom these ideas are embodied. To gain an insight into Indian thought, and to analyse it and discuss our differences, must necessarily make European thought (...)
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    Logisches Philosophieren: Festschrift für Albert Menne zum 60. Geburtstag: mit einleitenden Erinnerungen von I.M. Bocheński.Albert Menne, U. Neemann & E. Walther-Klaus (eds.) - 1983 - New York: G. Olms.
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  46. Logisches Philosophieren: Festschrift für Albert Menne zum 60. Geburtstag: mit einleitenden Erinnerungen von I.M. Bocheński.Albert Menne, U. Neemann & E. Walther-Klaus (eds.) - 1983 - New York: G. Olms.
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    The small‐is‐very‐small principle.Albert Visser - 2019 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 65 (4):453-478.
    The central result of this paper is the small‐is‐very‐small principle for restricted sequential theories. The principle says roughly that whenever the given theory shows that a definable property has a small witness, i.e., a witness in a sufficiently small definable cut, then it shows that the property has a very small witness: i.e., a witness below a given standard number. Which cuts are sufficiently small will depend on the complexity of the formula defining the property. We draw various consequences from (...)
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  48. Naturalness: Beyond animal welfare.Albert W. Musschenga - 2002 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15 (2):171-186.
    There is an ongoing debate in animalethics on the meaning and scope of animalwelfare. In certain broader views, leading anatural life through the development of naturalcapabilities is also headed under the conceptof animal welfare. I argue that a concern forthe development of natural capabilities of ananimal such as expressed when living freelyshould be distinguished from the preservationof the naturalness of its behavior andappearance. However, it is not always clearwhere a plea for natural living changes overinto a plea for the preservation (...)
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    Mensch und Gesellschaft aus der Sicht des kritischen Rationalismus.Hans Albert & Kurt Salamun (eds.) - 1993 - Rodopi.
    Inhalt: I. AUSEINANDERSETZUNG MIT GRUNDPOSITIONEN DER KRITISCHEN GESELLSCHAFTSTHEORIE DER FRANKFURTER SCHULE. Hans ALBERT: Dialektische Denkwege. Jürgen Habermas und der Kritische Rationalismus. William D. FUSFIELD: Some Pseudoscientific Features of Transcendental-Pragmatic Grounding Projects. Evelyn GRÖBL-STEINBACH: Reflektierte versus naive Aufklärung? Kritische Theorie und Kritischer Rationalismus - Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme. Kurt SALAMUN: Befriedetes Dasein und offene Gesellschaft. Gesellschaftliche Zielvorstellungen in Kritischer Theorie und Kritischem Rationalismus. II. DAS LEIB-SEELE-PROBLEM UND DIE KONZEPTION DER OFFENEN GESELLSCHAFT. Volker GADENNE: Ist der Leib-Seele-Dualismus widerlegt? Arpad SÖLTER: Der europäische (...)
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    Reverence for life.Albert Schweitzer - 1965 - New York,: Philosophical Library; [distributed to the trade by Book Sales.
    "Though I was well aware that Albert Schweitzer preached a great deal both before and after he became a physician, I never encountered any of his sermons until ...
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